C/C++ Training

Score a Century in Debut by Learning the Basics of C-Programming

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Why you should choose C/C++ ?

  • 100+
    Advanced Software is derived from C Programming in India
  • 16,000
    Average Salary in India for Freshers
  • 21.4%
    Job vacancy worldwide since 2016
  • 500+
    Reputed IT companies are seeking young C Programmers


  • Course Duration6 Week
  • Course Start7th March
  • Live Projects1+

C is a basic procedural language. It was intended to be obtained using a fairly clear compiler, to give low-level access to memory, to give language develops that outline to machine directions, and to require negligible run-time bolster. In spite of its low-level capacities, the language was designed to empower cross-stage programming. A measure agreeable C programme that is composed in light of convenience can be accumulated for a wide combination of PC platforms and working frameworks with few changes to its source code. The language has turned out to be accessible on an extensive scope of stages, from implanted microcontrollers to supercomputers. India is a country where IT is playing hard in the development. Hence it is an important aspect to acquire knowledge from a core language, C, C++. DigiBask is here to deliver the best practical approach course modules to learn C Programming. The classroom-based institute is located in Kanpur with the purpose to serve the young students to learn an integrated C, C++ Programming from scratch. Learning this interactive course will help you to open a wider spectrum in Core IT development industry. 


  • C Programming Introduction & History
  • Hello World Program using C
  • Flow of C Program

  • The alphabet of C
  • Keywords and Variables in C
  • Declaration of variables
  • Real types
  • Integral types
  • Data Types in C
  • Constant in C
  • Expressions and arithmetic
  • C Print f and Scan f Functions

  • What is Array in C?
  • Types of array in C.
  • Array example ( Input and Output in an Array )
  • 2D Array example

  • Some Remarks about Programming 
  • The Origins of C++ 
  • Very Simple Input, Output and Assignment 
  • Simple Flow of Control 
  • Identifiers , Data Types
  • Some Tips on Formatting Real Number Output 
  • Declarations, Constants and Enumerations 
  • Assignments and Expressions 

  • The Need for Sub-programs 
  • User-defined Functions 
  • Value and Reference Parameters 


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Sneha Singh

A wonderful foundation course to C programming language. They will made me believe

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Dinesh Bansal

When I heard there is an institute who teaches C++ programming in Kanpur, I was

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No programming language knowledge is required to learn C Programming. Although any experience in computer language would be beneficial for the learner.

In this vibrant IT world, latest languages are being developed every day and get obsolete, whereas C programming must have something which kept it an undisputed champion among programming languages for more than 3 decades and even today there is no worthy competitor of its kind.

Definitely Yes. DigiBask is pleased to offer expert certifications intended to provide industry recognition of your experience, abilities and proficiency in C and C++ programming. Our Certification process varies from Entry, Advanced and Expert level. Learners will be acknowledged accordingly after completion of the course.

No, you can't skip the language C. C++ language is modelled on the C language, and it is imperative for you to have an excellent C knowledge before attending C++ course. We believe in learning this language in a practical sense where you can implement your knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to learn the basics of C programming and then prepare yourself for C++. DigiBask offers an interactive course module that will help you understand the basics as well as prepare you for the advance next level, C++.

Yes. In order to learn ASP.NET, it is essential or should we say mandatory to learn C++. Our C++ training course will help you to carry on and learn ASP.NET very efficiently.

No. Our course will prepare you the fundamentals that you need and give you the opportunity to practise what you learn. By learning C or C++, you will open a doorway to a new universe that you can utilise. Although we will provide 100% assistance in choosing the precise career for you, but we certainly do not guarantee job placement.